Devour game wiki
Devour game wiki

devour game wiki

It is really your decision whether you want to play alone or with friends. If you decide to sacrifice, let’s say, three goats at once, then just keep in mind you’ll have to deal with three demons at once. So my advice here is for you to deal with them right away. Whenever you sacrifice a goat, a demon will spawn. This method highly increases your chances of survival. That way, instead of having to go deal with Anna’s consecutive rage states, you’ll just get one. Have all your friends grab a goat and sacrifice them at the exact same time. This one only works when playing Devour with friends. Not only that, but when running from Anna, if you’re cornered and about to be caught, your friends can distract her, so that you can safely get away from her.

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You won’t get that opportunity if you are playing alone. Why? Well, when playing with friends, if you’re knocked down, your friends can revive you with med kits. Trust me, your life will be a whole lot easier. Every time you find a new key, make sure to unlock the corresponding door as soon as possible. When you have a supernatural being running after you, running into a locked room is a good way to get yourself killed.

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After that, she’ll grow a set of horns to let you know that she is now in full aggressive mode. Usually… Watch out for the hornsĪnna is relatively calm until you burn the sixth goat. Just find a dark place to crouch in and you’ll be safe. And if you’re over the seven goats mark, well… STUN, RUN and HIDE! And by the way, iIf you are hiding, turn off your flashlight. If you have already killed between four and six goats, then you will need to stun Anna at least twice before she calms down. However, keep in mind that the UV doesn’t work if you are playing Nightmare mode. It’s fairly easy to outrun her at first, but when caught off-guard, the UV can be a lifesaver. If you are at the early game in Devour – meaning you’ve killed less than four goats – then you can stun Anna easily with the UV light. Killing goats makes Anna incredibly mad, and killing a goat if you haven’t prepared for the upcoming fight, well, it’s less than ideal. When first playing the game, my first instinct was to just sacrifice a goat and see what happens. There is no specific area that’s best to keep them at, just make sure you put them in a place you don’t often see Anna running into: a place you can heal without fearing getting interrupted. This goes without saying, but when you have a rampaging enemy trying to hunt you down and kill you, med kits might be the best friend you have. The goat altar is also a good place to keep the fuel canisters, as they will be necessary to light the altar. Place the haystacks near the goat altar, so that when you need to sacrifice the goats, they will already be where you need them to be. Well, in order to get to Anna, you will have to sacrifice goats, and the only way to capture a goat is by giving them something to eat. You might be wondering why you would need haystacks. Most importantly, place them somewhere you can easily get them. There are loads of items scattered all across the map, and you should collect as many of them as possible. Step one to winning in Devour is to stock up pretty much every item you find, from haystacks to fuel canisters and pretty much everything else you find out there.

Devour game wiki